Creature Comfortsというネーミングは,Studio Capital ManagementのエグゼクティブアシスタントであるCammie Lee氏が提案してくれた。そう,それは我々がそれを思いつかなかったことを悔やまされた。
そこで,この「Creature Comforts」のエントリーは,CammieのRamboでスタートすることにしたい。
Rambo, 提供: Studio Capital Management executive assistant Cammie Lee
Creature Comfortsにあなたのペットの写真を掲載したい場合は,あなたの可愛いペットの写真を news@gamesindustry.biz まで送ってほしい。
Tempi, 提供: Obsidian Entertainment studio head Feargus Urquhart
Lulu, 提供: Obsidian Entertainment studio head Feargus Urquhart
Wolfgang&Calvin, 提供: Xbox Game Pass head of content planning Matt Percy
Akina, 提供: Timberline Studio game designer Nathaniel Chapman
Apollo, 提供: Nick Patterson, PR manager at Bethesda Softworks
Aska, 提供: Nathan Fulton, technical creative director at Timberline Studio
Artemis, 提供: Cardpocalypse game designer Angelo Nikolaou
Yoda, 提供: Cardpocalypse game designer Angelo Nikolaou
Banjo&Kazooie, 提供: Microsoft senior character artist Stevie Cole
Beethoven&Cadwell, 提供: Richard Lambert, creative director at Zenimax Online Studios
Boomer, 提供: 47 PR account manager Monia De Leon
Bruce&Serena, 提供: Jeanie Grazis, associate producer at Mattel Digital Games
Casper, 提供: Massive Entertainment programmer Robin Widegren
Cat, 提供: Nintendo of America business development specialist Mark Hakanson
Cinnamon, 提供: Wonderstruck Games artist Jess Hyland
Loki, 提供: Wonderstruck Games artist Jess Hyland
Coffee, 提供: 47 PR senior account manager Liz Roland
Polly, 提供: Shannon&Ian, operations manager&gameplay programmer at Yacht Club Games
Cosmo, 提供: Plan of Attack co-founder&creative commander Chris Clarke
Cricket, 提供: Jeff Gardiner, project lead for Fallout 76
Neji, 提供: Dacey Willoughby, lead producer at Undead Labs
Jesse, 提供: Undead Labs artist Dan Mod
Liliana, 提供: Undead Labs artist Dan Mod
Bazooka Big-Bada-Boom Bishop, submitted Undead Labs social media manager Megan Bishop
Falcor, 提供: Undead Labs marketing director Wonder Russell
Dilla&Josie, 提供: Sean Krankel, co-founder&studio director at Night School Studio
Galileo (Dog)&Chronos (Tortoise), 提供: David Logan, CEO of Akupara Games
Olivia, 提供: EA Motive writer Jo Berry
Rosetta (Rosie), 提供: EA Tiburon senior technical artist Todd Kusmick
Erno, 提供: Foam Sword's Rex Crowle
Filo, 提供: Double Fine Productions' Tim Schafer
Fizz, 提供: Farah Coculuzzi, producer at Capybara Games
Harriet, 提供: Phoenix Labs' Dave Sanderson
Henry, 提供: Jen Cadic, head of production at Flight School Studio
Hoisin&Noodle, 提供: Creative Assembly QA coordinator Amy Banner
Liquid Crimson head of security Humphrey, 提供: Liquid Crimson's Jason Lord
Imelda&Mickah, 提供: Sean Baptiste, influencer manager at Bethesda Softworks
Kuba, 提供: SneakyBox communications manager Ricardas Jascemskas
London, 提供: 47 PR account coordinator James Morton
Krypto, 提供: Blain Howard, senior manager, Xbox PR, Windows&devices group
Marlon, 提供: PR consultant Susan Lusty&Joseph Staten, senior creative director at Xbox Game Studios Publishing
Medivh, 提供: Dominic Camuglia, VFX artist at Blizzard
Mickey, 提供: Daniel Finestrat Martinez, junior client side engineer at Mediatonic
Mystery, 提供: Rory Marquiz, technical director at Mediatonic
Nala, 提供: 47 PR assistant account executive Erin Williams
Vela Games chief morale officer Obi, 提供: Vela Games art director Bruce Glidewell
Precious, Luna, Artemis,&Pepper, 提供: Bryan Pawlowski, lead engineer at Timberline Studio
Ralph the Basil Plant, 提供: Devon Scott-Tunkin, programmer at Young Horses
Rollo, 提供: Walter Kong, executive producer at Blizzard
Ruffian, 提供: Fundamentally Games' Ella Romanos
Sparky, 提供: Justin Lalone, lead programmer at Outerloop Games
Spike, 提供: Phoenix Labs' Hilary Dechert Ayres
Tolka, 提供: Phoenix Labs' Hilary Dechert Ayres
Titan, 提供: Sonia Carneiro, executive assistant to the co-founders at Mediatonic
Tracer, 提供: Kirsten Kane, software engineer at Blizzard
Buffy, 提供: Technicolor Animation & Games VP of business development Kristy Scanlan
Felicity (left)&Penelope (right), 提供: Cloud Imperium Games graphics designer Kayleigh Pinhay&VFX artist Aran Anderson
Horace, Ralph,&Gus Gus, 提供: Rust QA tester Darren Arquette
Malkin, who we are assured is 'a sweet boy,' 提供: Fiftycc communications consultant Lizzie Killian
Ted the cat&Clemmie the dog (aka Dobby), 提供: Epic Games EMEA head of games licensing Mike Gamble
Goliath Dav Nation Banks (Golly), 提供: Minecraft Central Creative team producer Tia Dalupan-Wong
Goliath Dav Nation Banks (Golly), 提供: Minecraft Central Creative team producer Tia Dalupan-Wong
Pancake, 提供: bigbossbattle.com indiegamesplus.com owner Jupiter Hadley&Pocket Gamer editor Dann Sullivan
Ponyo, 提供: Dato Kiknavelidze, co-founder of Animmal
Rufus Board, 提供: Ben Board of Epic Games' Unreal Engine European dev relations
Stormzy, 提供: Minecraft Dungeons game designer Cara Hudson
Tilly, 提供: Minecraft Dungeons junior environment artist Stewart Morrison
Tucker, 提供: Evan Bader, PR manager at Sega
Walter, 提供: 47 PR senior director Steve Hahnel
Watson, 提供: Megan Varde, 3D artist at Young Horses
Willow, 提供: Minecraft Dungeons 3D artist Stephen Sharples
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